Public Notice Announcement Regarding Outdated Special Education Records

The Farmington School District (SAU #61) will destroy records that have been collected, maintained and/or used in providing special education services in the upcoming months.  This will affect records of students born in the year 1992 or earlier, and only applies to students who received special education services during any of their time in the Farmington School District. This activity is in compliance with Federal, State, and local policy.  The destruction of data policy provides that records may be destroyed when they are no longer needed for educational planning purposes.  Please be advised that some of the information contained in these files may be needed later on for other purposes, such as eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits.
If you wish to have these records before they are destroyed, please contact us at 603-755-2627 or by email at before June 1, 2017. Records will be provided only to a former student who is 18 years of age (or older) or the former student’s legal guardian with the proper identification.  Anyone obtaining records will be required to produce identification that contains both a picture and signature.  We will notify the individual by phone when the requested records are prepared.  The records can be obtained at the SAU office, 60 Charles Street, Farmington, NH 03835.

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