62nd Annual High School Reunion and Banquet Scheduled for June 4, 2016

The 62nd Annual High School Reunion and Banquet is scheduled for June 4, 2016 at the Farmington High School on Thayer Drive.

The doors will open at 4:30 p.m. so that early birds can come in, chat and have a place to sit down.  We will also have punch and cheese and crackers available.  The banquet will begin at 6:00 p.m. and there is plenty of parking.

Our caterer, Brenda Page and her staff have promised us a delicious buffet style dinner.  The price will be $17.00 per person.  We will also have a donation basket at the entrance to help with our costs.

Please make your reservation and send a check, payable to FHS Alumni Association, by May 20, 2016 to:
     Cindy Kingsbury
     PO Box 807, Wakefield, NH  03872

Class of 1966  - 50th Reunion
(Girls are by maiden name)

Gwendolyn Allen      Barry Elliott Margaret Jenness Don Place
Anne Allfrey       Betty Gates Cynthia King Sandra Rouleau
Joyce Batchelder Sally Golding Jan Kuligowski Mary Rundlett
Wayne Butler       Kenneth Gray Paul LaPierre James Schulte
Alfred Cameron        Robert Gray Marcia Leary Ann Scruton
Linda Campbell       Sarah Guay Susan Lepene Donna Secord
Nancy Cardinal        Allan Gullison William Lessard Brenda Smith
Sheila Cardinal        Sally Hart Russell McPherson John Thivierge
Howard Champagne       Phyllis Hassen Albert Menard Jr Donald Thurston
Alan Chesley       Micheline Hoage Donald Mitchell David Vachon
Shirley Colbath Roberta Hoage Catherine Mooney Rodney Waldron
Albert Currier Jr Carolyn Hooper Marilyn Mosher Barry Whalen
Verne Day       Patricia Hooper Judith Moulton Nancy Williams
Regina Drew       Allen Hudson Bernard Nason  Jr Arvard Worster

We are looking forward to a great evening.

Sincerely yours,

Robert Champagne (Class of 1961) Cindy (Hoage) Kingsbury (Class of 1976)
Master of Ceremonies         Betsy (Stevens) Gorney (Class of 1986)

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