photo by John Nolan - Foster's Daily Democrat |
Our last chance to save the town Christmas lights is a warrant article for the Town Meeting on March 11, 2015. This is when we need to vote on warrant articles brought to the town for their consideration.
There are two ways that we could go with this plan. The first plan would be to pay for it and do it all in a single year. The second plan, should the first plan fail, would be for the town to do the task over 5 years.
Plan A would be to pass Warrant Article #16.
Warrant Article #16
"To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $23,000.oo for the purchase and installation of a total of 26 new 30 Ft green pressure treated telephone poles for the purpose of hanging the town holiday decorations."
This will add 5 cents per $1000.00 onto the property tax rate. The one time tax on a $200,000.00 home will be $10.00.
Plan B would go in effect if Article #16 fails.
Warrant Article #17
"To see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate $11,400 for the purchase of a total of 26 new 30 ft green pressure treated telephone poles and for teh installation of 6 of the poles for the purpose of hanging the town holiday decorations. The installation of the remaining poles would be bedgeted on a separate warrant article over the next y ears at approximately $3600.00 per year.
This method does not have a fixed cost and the total cost may increase over the nextr 4 years.
Thank you,
Tom DeJulio
Farmington Christmas Light Committee
Note: Mark your calendars.
The Town elections are held on Tuesday, March 10.
The Town Meeting is held on Wednesday, March 11, from 7:00 PM until finished.
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